RIZOMA Front Indicator Light Adapters
RIZOMA Front Indicator Light Adapters
Fork Clamp to Mount Indicator on Ø 50/55 Forks
Set of two connections
Set of two connections
RIZOMA Front Indicator Light Adapters
Fork Clamp to Mount Indicator on Ø 50/55 Forks
R&G Micro LED Indicators Resistors
LIGHTECH Electronic relé for LED indicators
Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha
12v (0,6v -> 120w) - 0,05 - 10A
RIZOMA Indicator relay kit for LED turn signals
When fitting all four Rizoma turn signals, our technicians recommend replacing the OEM relay with our product EE031.
This allows maintaining the correct flash frequency as with the original device, albeit with a different wattage.
With use of the EE031 relay, there is no need to use the resistors included in the kit.
LIGHTECH LED Indicators Adapters
4 Pieces
RIZOMA Adapters for LED Indicators Lights
RIZOMA Front Indicator Adapters for Sportster 04- / VRSC A/B -06 / VRSC D/DX / VRSCAW
RIZOMA UNIT Indicators Mounting Kit
A kit contains 2 pcs. These adapters are made of EPDM with stainless steel threaded screw.
Thread: M8x1,25
Compatible with Rizoma LIGHT UNIT turn signals and Rizoma mounting kits only.
Warning: avoid the installation too close the exhaust system because heat sources could damage the EPDM shell.
RIZOMA UNIT Indicators Mounting Kit
The kit consists of two aluminum brackets that act as turn signal supports and that, through 3M double-sided tape, can be fixed directly to the fairing. The turn signals are secured to the brackets by anodized aluminum clamping nuts, included in the kit.
LIGHTECH LED Indicators Adapters
For 2 Indicators
RIZOMA Adapters for LED Indicators Lights
4 Pieces.
Each Indicator Light uses 2 pieces
RIZOMA Leggera Indicators Mounting Kit for PANIGALE V4
Applied using an M5 screw
RIZOMA Adapters for LED Indicators Lights
4 Pieces.
Each Indicator Light uses 2 pieces
RIZOMA UNIT Indicators Mounting Kit
Applied using an M5 screw